Order our manuals

Order our manuals

Hard copies of the Remote Primary Health Care Manuals can be ordered in two ways:

  1. Health services in the Northern Territory and health services in remote areas of Australia with a Modified Monash remoteness score of MM6 or MM7 can order hard copies of the manuals at  https://www.openbookhowden.com.au/RPHCM/

    To process the order please use your health service email to contact RPHCM for a password – you will be asked for this password once you enter the online portal.

  1. Individual clinicians can order copies via our online bookstore – there is a limit of two copies for each manual. Please click here to access the bookstore.

    For free shipping: select the 'Local Pickup' option and put your delivery address into the ‘Billing address’ section.

Please note that due to the funding agreement for the 2022 edition, there is a limited availability of stock and supply to remote health services will be prioritised if necessary.

For a password, or for any questions or feedback please contact: remotephcmanuals@flinders.edu.au 

The RPHCM values all feedback from users of the manuals.

The digital (PFD) manuals on our website are freely available for download by all services and individuals.

Digital manuals